Trinity Lutheran Church was officially accepted into membership of the Kansas District, Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod in 1922. Prior to that Rev. Robert Heike Jr. from Lydia served Garden City as a Mission Station.
Eleven pastors have served the congregation since its humble beginnings. Three different sites have served as its home. The current site, 1010 Fleming, was developed in 1970.
Over the years, the congregation has grown with the community. A Preschool was added in 1984. It currently serves 34 three and four year olds. We rejoice that through the Spirit more than a dozen sons and daughters of the congregation have studied to be professional church workers.
The congregation of 600 baptized members is served by our Pastor, two Directors of Christian Education, and two Preschool teachers. Together we seek to be a Missionpost in southwest Kansas seeking to help people.
Blessed Together † Sent to Proclaim