Lutheran Women’s Missionary League
Trinity’s basic LWML theme is “Serve The Lord With Gladness”
To become a member, just attend one of the League meetings and you will be invited to be a member.
We meet for League Meetings on the First Tuesday of each month.
As a Society, we have many different ways that we serve in the Church and the World.
You can be involved in any of these committees or activities.
For the Church we have:
Altar Committee
This involves the responsibility of keeping the Communion Vessels clean and polished, changing the paraments for the church year and seeing that they are clean and good repair, also, decorating the altar as needed for special services.
Service Guild
This guild serves Trinity in the kitchen for a variety of events such as wedding receptions, funeral dinners, pastoral conferences, and pot luck luncheons. SOON, we will have a list of teams assigned so that every lady in the congregation can have an opportunity to serve. Youth groups can also be a part of this guild. Or any men that would be willing to serve in this capacity.
Campus Ministry
This committee maintains contact with our students attending college and contact members of our congregation who are serving in the U.S. Armed Services.
Courtesy Committee
This committee sends out cards to Trinity Members who have Birthdays, Anniversaries, illnesses, wedding, sympathy, baptism, confirmation, new members, and need some encouragement.
Member Development Committee
This committee creates and provides ideas, techniques and resources which will enrich and stimulate individuals to increase membership for the society.
LWR Quilting
This is an opportunity to meet once a week on Thursday mornings to work on Lutheran World Relief Quilts. We receive donations of fabric and sheets from a variety of sources and we use these materials to create quilts that will be shipped for use all over the world.
The Rev. Eric Hollar, associate pastor at Bethel Lutheran Church, Claremont, N.C., presents quilts to Bernice Cromartie, owner of Nanny’s Korner Care Center, on Thursday, Jan. 19, 2017, in Lumberton, N.C. The center was damaged in October from flooding related to Hurricane Matthew. LCMS Communications/Erik M. Lunsford
Piecemakers JR. Quilting
- Our Piecemakers group
- Piecemakers quilts on display
This is our other quilting group that involves the youth and the young at heart in our church. We meet during the summer months and at school breaks to create quilts for the community and as needs arise around the world. Most of our quilts are lap robe or baby-sized quilts.
We have a Kansas Sonshine Newsletter that comes out 3 or 4 times a year, full of information on upcoming events and contacts.
Also, we have a Quarterly Magazine published by the National LWML for resources, bible studies, and great articles to help and encourage all women in their Spiritual walk with the Lord. As mission news and more contact information.
Visit the websites – Kansas District LWML and the main LWML website.
There are many other ways that you can “Serve the Lord with Gladness” just join us for an LWML meeting and bring your ideas!